Aside section

DTEK Group: annual performance appraisal for 21,000 employees with IT-Enterprise corporate solution
The first stage of comprehensive digitalization of HR processes has accumulated blocks from the core performance assessment (SBA), promoting corporate decision-making and optimization of business processes.

Ukrainian company IT-Enterprise implements enterprise asset management (EAM) at Lantmännen
Використання сучасних EAM та IIoT-рішень надали Лантманнен Акса інструменти для керування виробничими лініями. А також дозволяють реагувати в режимі реального часу на ринкові зміни, відхилення процесів виробництва та знаходити точки зростання.

Personnel management and recruitment at PJSC Bel Shostka Ukraine
The popular producer of hard and processed cheeses switched to personnel management in the IT-Enterprise system.

The Lviv City Council completely abandoned paper documents
Thanks to the e-document circulation system, it became possible to evaluate the speed of document processing at each of the stages. This helps to form the KPI of employees, which in turn increases the speed of their work.

How industrial enterprise Interipe holding reduced the equipment downtime by 30% with IT-Enterprise.EAM
Implementation of IT-Enterprise.EAM system let Interpipe holding to reduce maintenance costs, carry out production equipment repairs based on information about their current condition, ensure high reliability of equipment operation with preventive repairs where failure probability becomes high.

Smart Manager electronic document management system in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
A 30% reduction in document processing time in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine thanks to the introduction of the Smart Manager module of the complex ERP system IT-Enterprise.

Implementation of electronic document management based on IT-Enterprise Smart Manager in the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
Transition to the creation and processing of state-level documents in electronic form due to the introduction of an electronic document management system based on the SmartManager module of an integrated IT-Enterprise ERP system.

Optimal recruitment with IT-Enterprise.Recruitment
Optimal recruitment organized at the large industrial enterprise "Interpipe" with the help of IT-Enterprise solution.