Aside section

"Stalkanat" implemented full-scale digitalization of production sites in the Industry 4.0 concept on the IT-Enterprise platform
The project to build a modern, comprehensive production management system based on the IT-Enterprise platform suggested a logical chain of sub-projects: MDM, WireDesigner, MPS, MRP, APS, SmartQuality.

Наскрізні цифрові бізнес-процеси «від надходження замовлення до відвантаження готової продукції» Прогрес-Львів відтворені на платформі IT-Enterprise
Впровадаждено у цифрі наскрізний бізнес-процес від надходження замовлення, планування черговості виробництва, виробництва, автоматизованого списання матеріалів до відвантаження готової продукції клієнту.

IIoT Monitoring, end-to-end integration of production management levels at Elsewedy Electric
The partnership with Elsewedy Technology has resulted in a state-of-the-art Lite MES application providing synchronization of digital tools for order processing, production planning and job order performance.

Throughput at Stalkanat-Silur Increased by 20-50% with Smart Factory Planning System
Трансформація виробництва компанії «Стальканат-Сілур» за принципами Industry 4.0 сприяла оптимізації кожного етапу виготовлення продукції.

Тime-to-market Reduced by 20+% with Digital Transformation of Process Chain at Stalkanat-Silur
Time-to-market is reduced by 20+% meaning it takes less time for the product to pass through the process chain stages. ~1 Million UAH is saved each year, which is ~3% of the total volume of transport services.

How to avoid the failure to deliver orders on time due to production operational planning with IT-Enterprise
Timely execution of customer orders due to efficient planning of production capacities operational load.

Interpipe's digital transformation of manufacturing
Interpipe is an integrated pipe and wheel company, a member of the TOP 10 list of the world’s largest seamless pipes’ producers.

Production Lead Time Reduced by 40-60% at Rivne Plant of High-Voltage Equipment
Rivne plant of high-voltage equipment reduced the manufacturing lead time of orders by 40-60% with the IT-Enterprise ERP system implementation