Oleg Shcherbatenko, CEO of IT-Enterprise, spoke at the forum Human Capital Forum 2019

Oleh Shcherbatenko, CEO of IT-Enterprise, participated in the Human Capital Forum 2019, which was aimed at business owners and managers, HR directors and business development directors.
The forum covered such key issues as the current state of affairs in HR today, as well as the newly emerging opportunities and functions. While the environmentally concerned and used to rapid change Generation Z is dictating its own rules to employers, senior employees are having a lot of difficulty transforming. Their fear of the new makes them more reluctant to understand the changes, be in charge of them or believe in them. Surprisingly, such a lack of confidence is rather typical of HR executives.
Oleh Shcherbatenko's speech was entitled 'Industry 4.0 - Creating New Professions'. He showed a retrospective of Industry 4.0 - from the first industrial revolution till present. 'Every revolution not only destroys professions but also creates new ones,' he stressed. Taking the solutions already implemented for Interpipe, Ukrnafta PJSC and other clients as an example, the IT-Enterprise CEO proved that digitalization makes the workflow simpler for the staff and does not require special knowledge. Smartphone skills are usually sufficient for work in the digital format, that is why they are in high demand for IT-Enterprise customers. Modern solutions are designed and tailored to accelerate the process and help people reduce the need for time and effort. This, in turn, prevents significant staff reductions, often enabling people to master a new, interesting profession that requires less physical effort and is therefore elderly-friendly.
Learn more about IT-Enterprise solutions here.