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DTEK Group: annual performance appraisal for 21,000 employees with IT-Enterprise corporate solution

DTEK Group: annual performance appraisal for 21,000 employees with IT-Enterprise corporate solution

The project consisted of implementing an enterprise solution, adapting and developing interfaces (front end), and optimizing the business processes (back end).

"Kovalska" has implemented modern accounting tools for detailed cost accounting on the IT-Enterprise platform

"Kovalska" has implemented modern accounting tools for detailed cost accounting on the IT-Enterprise platform

Implementation of the modern management ERP functionality in the industrial-construction group "Kovalska" for 4 months

Unified accounting system for a large distributed manufacturing enterprise

Unified accounting system for a large distributed manufacturing enterprise

How IT-Enterprise team has created a unified accounting system in the large distributed enterprise "Antonov"

ROSHEN ensured the manageability of the corporation's business processes in the IT-Enterprise ERP system

ROSHEN ensured the manageability of the corporation's business processes in the IT-Enterprise ERP system

Thanks to the unified information platform implemented on all assets of Roshen corporation, the transparency and manageability of Roshen's business has increased.