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Modeling the price of PGA Electric's finished products with CableDesigner and CableCost

Modeling the price of PGA Electric's finished products with CableDesigner and CableCost

To streamline its production processes, PGA Electric has relied on the expertise of the Ukrainian company IT-Enterprise with a view to handling the tasks of calculating and optimizing the cost of Cable & Wire products and semi-finished products.

 State-of-the-art production management system: full-scale Industry 4.0 digitalization of Stalkanat production sites

State-of-the-art production management system: full-scale Industry 4.0 digitalization of Stalkanat production sites

The project to build a modern, comprehensive production management system based on the IT-Enterprise platform suggested a logical chain of sub-projects: MDM, WireDesigner, MPS, MRP, APS, SmartQuality.

Retail chain management ecosystem for Delta Sport: implementation of POS and electronic cash registers

Retail chain management ecosystem for Delta Sport: implementation of POS and electronic cash registers

Цифрове оновлення машини продажів POS і пРРО додає швидкодію і керованість бізнес-процесів, що супроводжують операції продажу.

IIoT Monitoring, end-to-end integration of production management levels at Elsewedy Electric

IIoT Monitoring, end-to-end integration of production management levels at Elsewedy Electric

The partnership with Elsewedy Technology has resulted in a state-of-the-art Lite MES application providing synchronization of digital tools for order processing, production planning and job order performance.

Digitalization of purchases of RUSH (EVA and VARUS) with SmartTender, economic effect of electronic tenders of ₴ 250 million per year

Digitalization of purchases of RUSH (EVA and VARUS) with SmartTender, economic effect of electronic tenders of ₴ 250 million per year

Systematization of procurement, better preparation of technical tasks, attracting more promising suppliers to our tenders.

Throughput at Stalkanat-Silur Increased by 20-50% with Smart Factory Planning System

Throughput at Stalkanat-Silur Increased by 20-50% with Smart Factory Planning System

Трансформація виробництва компанії «Стальканат-Сілур» за принципами Industry 4.0 сприяла оптимізації кожного етапу виготовлення продукції.

Тime-to-market Reduced by 20+% with Digital Transformation of Process Chain at Stalkanat-Silur

Тime-to-market Reduced by 20+% with Digital Transformation of Process Chain at Stalkanat-Silur

Time-to-market is reduced by 20+% meaning it takes less time for the product to pass through the process chain stages. ~1 Million UAH is saved each year, which is ~3% of the total volume of transport services.

ForceBPM service has simplified the process of preparing tenders and the time required to approve documents by 75% at "Epicenter K"

ForceBPM service has simplified the process of preparing tenders and the time required to approve documents by 75% at "Epicenter K"

The two most popular internal processes have been set up - coordination of participation in the tender for sale and coordination of a bank guarantee. This removed approximately 50% of the workload from the corporate customer service department.

Improving the predictability and manageability of the enterprise due to the cost accounting in production Lviv Locomotive Repair Plant

Improving the predictability and manageability of the enterprise due to the cost accounting in production Lviv Locomotive Repair Plant

Reduction by 15-20% of critical repairs cycles to the Lviv locomotive repair plant (LLRZ) due to the implementation of operational accounting of production costs on the basis of IT-Enterprise

“Kovalska” industrial and construction group: 2 times loss reduction because of using incorrect norms

“Kovalska” industrial and construction group: 2 times loss reduction because of using incorrect norms

How the industrial-construction group "Kovalska " reduced costs and eliminated the use of incorrect norms due to the implementation of IT-Enterprise