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Digital transformation of Come Back Alive Foundation: AI in procurement processes and real-time analytics

Digital transformation of Come Back Alive Foundation: AI in procurement processes and real-time analytics

With the help of IT-Enterprise tools, the Foundation's end-to-end digital business processes have been optimized and implemented in the following areas.

Retail chain management ecosystem for Delta Sport: implementation of POS and electronic cash registers

Retail chain management ecosystem for Delta Sport: implementation of POS and electronic cash registers

Цифрове оновлення машини продажів POS і пРРО додає швидкодію і керованість бізнес-процесів, що супроводжують операції продажу.

ForceBPM service has simplified the process of preparing tenders and the time required to approve documents by 75% at "Epicenter K"

ForceBPM service has simplified the process of preparing tenders and the time required to approve documents by 75% at "Epicenter K"

The two most popular internal processes have been set up - coordination of participation in the tender for sale and coordination of a bank guarantee. This removed approximately 50% of the workload from the corporate customer service department.

JSC KIEP switched to electronic document management with the help of IT-Enterprise

JSC KIEP switched to electronic document management with the help of IT-Enterprise

The new system will increase executive discipline and allow employees to work remotely.

The indebtedness on all signed real property contracts has reduced by 70%

The indebtedness on all signed real property contracts has reduced by 70%

Increasing the efficiency of real estate sales processes by reducing by 70% the arrears of concluded contracts for real estate due to the IT-Enterprise solution

Zorya-Mashproekt Digitalization Reduced Time-To-Market by 30%

Zorya-Mashproekt Digitalization Reduced Time-To-Market by 30%

Zorya-Mashproekt (Gas turbine research & production complex, State Enterprise) is one of the largest manufacturing enterprises in Ukraine and part of the Ukrainian Defense Industries (Ukroboronprom) state corporation. The enterprise mostly produces gas turbine plants while its products are in great demand worldwide.  

Modern accounting tools allowed to detail cost structure

Modern accounting tools allowed to detail cost structure

Implementation of the modern management ERP functionality in the industrial-construction group "Kovalska" for 4 months

An effective process has shortened the time of change in pricing policy from weeks to a couple of days

An effective process has shortened the time of change in pricing policy from weeks to a couple of days

Efficiency improvement of the pricing policy with the operational processing of the protocols of the price commission has allowed the Kyivmiskbud Holding Company to reduce the time for applying the pricing policy to real estate objects and reduce the time of execution of contracts by 7 times

“Kovalska” industrial and construction group: 2 times loss reduction because of using incorrect norms

“Kovalska” industrial and construction group: 2 times loss reduction because of using incorrect norms

How the industrial-construction group "Kovalska " reduced costs and eliminated the use of incorrect norms due to the implementation of IT-Enterprise