INTERPIPE organized optimal personnel selection using recruiting tools from IT-Enterprise

scale | 11,000 employees | kpi | shorten the time of the candidate's selection |
Product | Personnel | Project time | 1 year |
year of briefcase | 2014 | geography | Ukraine |
Industry | Metallurgy and mining industry | customer | "Interpipe" |
Project Goals
Interpipe is an international vertically integrated company that manufactures pipes and railway wheels. Company is among the ten largest producers of seamless pipes in the world, and is the third largest producer of solid-rolled railway wheels in the world. Company products are delivered to 80 countries of the world through a network of trading offices located in key markets.
The holding structure includes a management company, 5 plants and sales offices worldwide.
Recruiters are always required to fill vacancies as quickly as possible, and at the same time selected candidate should meet specific requirements.
The hiring infrastructure at the enterprise did not allow searching and multi-level selection of candidates: there was no transparent business recruitment process that was transparent to all of its participants.
In this situation, recruitment management decided to implement a specialized IT-Enterprise. Recruitment solution for managing the recruitment tasks, which is part of an integrated ERP-system of IT-Enterprise.
Project Description
The situation in the hiring department could be explained by a number of reasons:
- There was no connection between the management structure of the holding, the staff schedules of plants (more than 20 legal entities), the bases of applications and candidates, which was a critical problem in the centralized recruitment (for the whole holding group there was a recruitment group in the headquarter office);
- The applications base was not linked with the candidates base (16 thousand resumes). Hence, it was not clear which candidates belong to which application, at what stage of selection a particular candidate is and what is current status of application. Without a holistic picture, hiring managers were not able to optimally distribute tasks among recruiters. Recruitment initiators uncontrollably made changes to their application at any selection stage, which affected the performance of recruiters - it was often necessary to start recruiting again, according to new criteria.
- Due to the lack of integration with job boards, recruiters had to fill the candidates database manually, which is a time-consuming task.
- Search in the database of candidates was limited to a few requisites.
- Profiles of the company's position (a document that contains detailed information about the position, including the expected KPI of the candidate) were not kept up to date, but had to be followed.
These issues were resolved with implementation of a recruitment management module for IT-Enterprise, integrated with ERP system IT-Enterprise.
Key project factors

With IT-Enterprise hiring department employees able to centralize the recruitment function. Head of recruiters can see the need of all plants of the holding and optimally distribute the tasks to recruiters.
It is possible to monitor performance of each recruiter. Head of the department has statistics on the number of viewed resumes, interviews and selected candidates. All analytical reports are generated in the system on the basis of registered activities.
Now you can track stage of each application. For each application, you can quickly find out its stage, selected candidates, carried out actions for each candidate.
The management structures of the holding were effectively linked with the staff schedules of individual plants and with the candidates flow. Сandidate who has successfully passed the selection, sign an agreement of intent or an order for employment. In the staff profile he is associated with a specific position.
The applications base and the candidates base are interconnected now. The full history of the recruiters work with a particular candidate is stored in the system, which significantly reduces the time if candidate re-applies.
The IT-Enterprise.Recruitment system provides integration with job boards (,,, Linkedin), so you can replenish the candidates base with one click. With a customizable widget you can publish information about open vacancies on the corporate website, as well as on the social networks groups and pages. Response collection for vacancies posted using the widget is automated and the candidate's data, including resume, automatically loaded into the candidate database and linked with the corresponding vacancy.
The job profiles base has been updated and is maintained in actual state. Candidate selection in the Interpipe holding is carried out according to uniform criteria now.
Candidates and vacancies database search is full-text, multi-criteria. The search is performed on the basis of many applicant’s attributes, including the full text of the attached resume.
Dashboards are available to the head of the recruiting service. Dashboards represent complex analytical data in a simple and accessible visual design. Among other things, there is a recruiter's funnel, where you can see performance of each recruiter (how many candidates and their current stages). The funnel of applicants reflects the overall picture of the closure of vacancies in a multi-stage business recruitment process implemented in the holding.