IT-Enterprise launches a joint project with the state-owned enterprise Eastern Mining and Processing Plant

From August 1 to August 3, the first constituent assembly of the project's working group was held, which included representatives of the Nuclear Fuel company, VostokGOK company and IT-Enterprise. It is expected that within the framework of the project, the enterprise will implement the IT-Enterprise platform for the following tasks:
1. Ensuring the effective and optimal functioning of the main business processes in the enterprise.
2. Creating a single information and regulatory space (corporate directories, regulatory frameworks, etc.)
3. Integrating inventory, accounting and tax accounting, as well as management of the main activities and strategic facilities of the plant, such as ore mines, a hydro-metallurgical plant, production of sulfuric acid, a mechanical repair plant, etc., in the IT-Enterprise system.
4. Improving the level of reliability and efficiency of information within the plant for the subsequent in-depth analysis and assessment of the enterprise’s activities.
Pavel Timofeev, IT-Enterprise project manager, noted that the implementation of the IT-Enterprise platform would help the VostokGOK company to significantly improve performance: "We expect that the implementation of our platform at VostoKOK will lead the work on the main areas to the standards of Industry 4.0 and will allow reaching a new level of efficiency. Nevertheless, of course, a positive result is possible only under the condition of joint painstaking work of the teams of the Customer’s and the Contractor’s projects."