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These products and solutions will help you to digitize your company

and optimize business processes, so your business will work more efficiently


Force BPM provides unprecedented speed of implementation of new business processes and changes to existing ones. Allows companies to be flexible and responsive to market changes.

Reducing the preparation cycle for design-engineering documents by 40-60 %. Reducing time to amend the design-engineering documents and to bring those to the key units by 40%.

Reducing the deviation between the actual and planned prime cost, tolerance up to 30%

Increasing procurements efficiency by 20%. Reducing stock inventory by 25%. Reducing material costs by 20% provided a timely goods and materials supply

12 times reduced documents approval term. Increasing the timely tasks execution by up to 98%. Reducing documents search time by 60%.

2-3 times reduced terms for planning and preparing of management accounting. 1,5 times increased accuracy of work execution forecasting.

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