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Self-service portal for employees Front HR System

Front HR System allows you to work with personal data 24 hours 7 days a week


The system allows to effectively solve problems

Provide general information about the company, news and announcements

Organizational structure of the enterprise, contacts of services and employees


Employee capability card (training, tests, analysis of competencies ...), application for participation in the training

Vacation balance, application for a vacation and its approval

Application for a business trip

Application for processing departure clearance

Getting an income statement

The history of own payments and payroll sheet for any period

Status of personal KPIs and company KPI

Online solution “Employee Self-Service Portal” Front HR System allows you to work with your personal data 24 hours 7 days a week, as well as keep track of all the important events happening in the company.

Company data:

  • general information about the company, news
  • organizational structure of the company, contacts of departments and employees
  • information about open vacancies
  • training, trainings, courses

Work with personal data:

  • view your payout and pay slip history for any period
  • view your vacation history and find out the number of days of unused vacation
  • apply for vacation and approve it
  • apply for the upcoming business trip
  • apply for a bypass list
  • apply for training
  • apply for order income statement
  • view the status of personal KPI and KPI of company in general

An employee can only work with their data in the view mode. Access to the portal and actions that are available to the employee are determined by the administrator of the company's information system.

Thanks to the use of the portal's capabilities, the number of requests to the accounting department for information and documents is significantly reduced, and the level of discipline of employees during the execution of documents is also increased.


of our system

A prompt notification of employees about all important events planned or happened in the company

Simplifying documents processing procedure

Reducing the number of employees’ requests to the accounting department

Saving employees’ time spent on obtaining required personal information

A flexible differentiation of access rights to the data and possible actions on the portal

Still, have questions?

best practice


The stories of companies that have already strengthened their business thanks to us

This solution usually goes in the package with others

The following components help to increase the efficiency of the decision

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our business proposal
our business proposal
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