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Product data management (PDM)

Effectively manage information to provide cooperation of process participants at all stages from design engineering to production


The system allows to effectively solve problems

Preproduction design management

Product configurations and designs management

Process engineering management

Manufacturing resources rationing

Integration with CAD-systems

Automate the production preparation and:

  • advance manageability and transparency of business processes at all product design stages (development, approval, storage and replication of technical documents)
  • advance the quality of design-engineering documents
  • advance reliability and confidentiality of information storage
  • establish control over the documents approval term and essentially reduce it
  • increase the performance discipline that way

Products structure decomposition (products "explosion")

The following shall be completed while preproduction design:

  • design and design-engineering products structure shall be represented as a “tree”
  • generation and control of products structures shall be executed by production series and numbers
  • the “where-used lists” of parts and assembly units into a product shall be prepared together with summarized “where-used lists” for several products
  • change notifications shall be generated
  • design notifications shall be registered
  • notifications shall be automatically recorded in the specifications and products structures starting from the production number selected
  • the departments and services shall be informed about dispatching of notifications; "execution" of notifications shall be registered

Support of multiple types of products structures over the whole life cycle

The following product structures shall be supported:

  • specification of products / checklist / pre-contractual product structure
  • contractual product structure
  • design product structure
  • engineering product structure
  • production order planned structure
  • production (actual) product structure
  • operating product structure
  • any number of other alternative product structures

While generating routing and operational technological procedures the following shall be completed.

Generation of the directory of process operations

Description of typical process operations templates – patterns for each process operation shall be created together with the list of alternative divisions (shops), equipment, rigging, technical documents, text descriptions for executing the operations

The registers of technological procedures shall be created. Classification of technological procedures shall be completed – shop-to-shop routings, single, typical and group technological procedures, typical and group operations. Hierarchy of technological procedures shall be built

Automated generation of shop-to-shop routings consisting of a step-by-step parts and assembly units production route with a binding to production divisions (shops) and resources by each operation – rigging, tools, production documents, operation structure description etc.

The access of process engineers to changing the technological procedures shall be distributed

Generation of albums of technological procedures

The albums of technological procedures include:

  • cover pages
  • shop-to-shop routings
  • various process sheets
  • various operation sheets
  • sketch maps
  • equipment and rigging schedules etc.

There is also an option of flexible settings for albums of technological procedures by industry and enterprise regulations.

Taking into account the process design for arranging the work of engineering service at large enterprises:

  • support of the classic technological procedure development schedule: shop-to-shop routing in the Chief Production Engineers office, operational technological procedures in the shops’ technical offices, shops’ technical offices by types of work
  • generation of a flow-through technological procedure by shop-to-shop routings and shop operational technological procedures

Norm setting for equipment and rigging utilization:

  • classification of equipment of the enterprise
  • step-by-step norm setting for equipment (processing time, preparation and final time, per hour performance), rigging, tools utilization
  • calculation of consolidated norms for equipment, rigging and tools utilization for parts and assembly units by divisions/shops

General models design tool for calculation of design and process parameters:

  • work pieces’ mass calculation for standard molding by geometry and specific weight (circle, square, U-bar, hexagon, pipe etc.)
  • weight calculation for auxiliary materials for assemblies by the features of incoming parts and accessories
  • flexible settings of various calculations

Integration with CAD/CAM

IT-Enterprise system includes modules, which allow integrating with a range of popular computer-aided systems – CAD/CAM and PDM/PLM-systems.

The data from CAD (computer-aided design) system shall be submitted to CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) system of production process preparation

PLM (product lifecycle management) is a managerial and engineering system that provides management of information about the project and related procedures over the whole lifecycle, starting from design and production to decommissioning. PDM (product data management) is a managerial and engineering system that provides management of all information about the product. Various complex technical objects can be considered as products (ships and vehicles, aircrafts and rockets, computer networks etc.). PDM-system is the integral part of the PLM-system.

IT-Enterprise system modules for integration with computer-aided systems allow automatically receiving specifications or product structures (projects) for further application in ERP-system.

The integration modules can perform the following functions (the specific set of functions depends on the CAD-system used).
Integration wit CAD-systems:

  • contiguity between the properties of models and document and product cards in the technical documents archive of IT-Enterprise system
  • automatic reading of product structure from assembly units’ models and generation of design specifications based on the structure read
  • support of models designs (configurations) and their automatic synchronization with the product designs in archive
  • storage of reference links between the files that allows reconstructing the complete structure of product folders and files not depending on the user’s computer

Support of integration with:

  • 3D-models of parts and assemblies (properties, links between the files)
  • blueprints (свойства, drawing stamps)
  • CNC programs (properties)

Support of teamwork on CAD-data. The following document statuses are available:

  • being changed – editing the document is only allowed by the user, who has this particular document subject to changes
    in archive – editing the document is forbidden, using the document is allowed
  • being reviewed – editing the document is forbidden, assigning the status “being changed” is forbidden, only signing the document is allowed

CAD-developments preview:

there is a built-in viewer that allows to preview the document without any additional software.

Pre-developed products/assemblies borrowing procedure:

  • accessibility of information on all (based on the access rights) pre-developed products
  • automatic adding of links to assembly models when adding a link between the archive documents
  • automatic adding of design to models when adding the archive document design (configuration)

Synchronization of database of standard, other products and materials of the CAD-system with the database of standard, other products and materials of IT-Enterprise system.

The list of integration modules is as follows.

  • Integration with SolidWorks
  • Integration with Pro/ENGINEER
  • Integration with Autodesk Inventor
  • Integration with NX (Unigraphics)
  • Integration with «Compas-Grafik»
  • Integration with T-Flex

IT-Enterprise system also includes a range of industry solutions for process engineering management


of our system

Differentiation of access rights of designers to change the design documents (specifications, blueprints)

Integration with all most widely spread CAD-systems provided

Specific features of work organization for the process service at large enterprises shall be considered

The general models design tool shall be used for calculation of engineering and process parameters

Quick determination of missing norms, technological procedures and structures by products and assemblies

An open model of manufacturing resources norm setting shall be used in the system

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Industry-specific implementation features

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This solution usually goes in the package with others

The following components help to increase the efficiency of the decision

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