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Procurements and logistics

Increasing procurements efficiency by 20%. Reducing stock inventory by 25%. Reducing material costs by 20% provided a timely goods and materials supply


What issues the decision closes

Establishing and automating the flow-through procurement management procedure since the demand arises and till it is satisfied Arranging a requirements campaign in order to involve and control all requirements sources into the procurements management procedures

A transparent supplier selection management

Arranging competitive goods and materials procurement tenders – fast, transparent and with the best cost performance ratio

Optimizing the materials and accessories warehouse operation, speeding up the materials and accessories selection

Optimizing all stages of work with contracts: preparation, approval, execution and management

Goods and materials supply chain management — from planning to accounting of actual transfer of goods and materials, analyzing planned and actual costs in all areas

Automation of business processes management, reducing the execution time thereof


What this solution allows

We identify weaknesses in the chosen business direction and help to establish a management system

All demands placed online; gross demands registration by initiators where it arises

A prompt response on requirements source changes – availability of up-to-date information related to “how much, when and for what purpose has to be purchased”

Open and transparent supply, procurement and supplier selection procedures

Online information on inventory balance, demand and the best before dates thereof

Goods and materials reservation, automated control over the delivery from warehouses to the divisions

Reducing the level of reserved and unclaimed inventory

A quick electronic approval and endorsement of contracts

On-line control over goods and materials supply – accounting of actual goods and materials transfer, plan-fact analysis over all areas of the supply chain

Why our solutions

A unified flow-through procurement management procedure since the demand arises and till it is satisfied
Reducing the level of reserved and terminal inventory due to significantly increased planning accuracy in a unified management environment MRPII, S&OP, APS, …
We increase the transparency and ability to control the process and data for all participants
Speeding up and optimizing all processes related to purchasing, inventory holding and releasing them for production

Still, have questions?


This solution usually goes in the package with others

The following components help to increase the efficiency of the decision