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Artificial Intelligence, AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field in computer science and information technology, the task of which is to reproduce with the help of computer systems and other artificial devices intelligent reasoning and action.

Artificial Intelligence is the system's ability to correctly interpret external data, learn from such data, and use the knowledge gained to achieve specific goals and objectives through flexible adaptation.

From the first definition, it follows that AI is closely related to robotics. The creation of intelligent robots is one of the important directions of AI development. Robots need intelligence so that they can manipulate objects and, if necessary, determine their location, plan movements. Because workers often work next to people in the workplace, there are problems with staff safety. Therefore, the so-called "collaborative work" (cobots) is equipped with sensors that monitor the position of a person nearby and prevent damage.

The ability of AI to acquire knowledge independently in the process of work is closely related to the problem of machine learning (Machine Learning, ML). This direction has been central since the very beginning of the development of AI.

Neural networks are used to solve fuzzy and complex problems, such as the recognition of geometric shapes or clustering of objects, so this area is closely related to the problem of AI.

In addition to the above areas, AI methods are used in the following technologies:

  • smart receptors;
  • Internet of Things and Industrial Internet of Things;
  • natural language processing;
  • machine vision;
  • deep learning;
  • expert systems;
  • recognition of texts, speech, images;
  • business analytics;
  • intelligent information security systems;
  • machine transfer;
  • other technologies and directions of development.

    Application of AI in industry

At industrial enterprises II can be used at almost all levels:

At the design level: to increase the efficiency of new product development, to automate the selection and evaluation of suppliers, when analyzing the requirements for spare parts and components.

At the production level: to improve business processes, automate production lines, reduce errors, simplify the production process through the use of image recognition functions and a dialog interface.

At the level of logistics: to improve the planning of vehicle routes, to reduce the delivery time of raw materials, to improve interaction with customers and suppliers through interactive communication, to track shipments and the delivery process at all stages, in the future - to predict fluctuations in shipments before how they will happen.

At the promotion level: to forecast the volume of support and maintenance services during pricing management.

The general trend in the use of AI in the industry is as follows: due to its use, production is increasingly automated, to the point that human participation is virtually eliminated. In particular, LG plans to open a plant in 2023, where all processes - from the purchase of consumables to product control and shipment - will be carried out using artificial intelligence. The AI ​​will also monitor the wear and tear of equipment, the implementation of plans and other factors that are usually tracked by a person.

Financial prospects

At the annual international conference AGENDA19, dedicated to digital and advanced technologies and held under the slogan "Strategy. Ideas. Action", one of the seven main topics was: The Latest Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Mach of artificial intelligence and machine 4 "The conference reviewed AI / ML market trends and provided recommendations to help market leaders understand what needs to be done to succeed in a rapidly changing business environment. In particular, it was noted:

  • the basis of digital transformation (digital transformation, DX) is AI;
  • by the end of 2019, 40% of DX initiatives will use AI services, and AI will be a technology that will promote DX.
  • by 2021, 75% of commercial applications will use AI;
  • by 2022, AI will perform 75% of IT operations;
  • by 2024, interfaces with AI support will replace 30% of modern screen applications;
  • by 2024, a 7 percent increase in AI-based automation will trigger a new wave of business processes.
  • AI costs will reach $ 79 billion by 2022. Banks and retailers account for a third of global AI spending.
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