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Technology Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0

Characteristic features of Industry 4.0 are fully automated productions, where the management of all processes is carried out in real time and taking into account changing external conditions.

Smart Factory

Smart Factory

Smart Factory is aimed at mass production, but while maintaining maximum flexibility of production.

Artificial intelligence, AI

Artificial intelligence, AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field in computer science and information technology, the task of which is to reproduce with the help of computer systems and other artificial devices intelligent reasoning and action.

Internet of Things, IoT

Internet of Things, IoT

Internet of things is a network of physical objects that have built-in technologies that allow interacting with the external environment, transmit information about their condition and accept data from the outside.

Industrial Internet of Things, IIoT

Industrial Internet of Things, IIoT

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is an integral part of the Internet of Things and its main driving force at this stage of technology development.

Digital Twins

Digital Twins

Digital Twin is a software analog of a physical device that simulates the internal processes, technical characteristics, and behavior of a real object under the influence of interference and the environment.

Machine Learning, ML

Machine Learning, ML

Machine Learning (ML) is a large part of artificial intelligence that studies methods for constructing algorithms that can be trained.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality (AR) is the result of introducing any sensory data into the field of perception in order to supplement information about the environment and improve information perception.

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